Healing by the traditional methods and products is a trend of modern medicine in the 21st century. According to WHO, traditional medicine effectively contributes to the improvement of health care. More and more up-to-date traditional methods are being discovered to serve this goal, including implant acupuncture. Implant acupuncture combines the principles of Oriental medicine with the advancement of western medicine, in order to bring about both advantages to the patients. So what is it and what kind of diseases that it can treat?

What is implant acupuncture?

Implant acupuncture is a special methodology of traditional acupuncture, in which piece of surgical thread is implanted into the acupuncture point to create continuous stimulation at that point.

Implant acupuncture. Source: Internet

How does it work?

The surgical thread is seft-disolving within approximately 2-3 weeks, meaning that during that time it always trigger the acupuncture points. After the implantation, the thread will naturally create a biochemical reaction at the local point, fostering the blood circulation locally, increasing the carbohydrates metabolism and also inspiring the release of morphine endogen. Besides, depending on the purpose of the treatment, the doctor will perform implant acupuncture at certain acupuncture points which are shown to be effective.

Outstanding advantages:

  • Highly effective and long lasting
  • Avoiding the medicines side effect
  • Be able to apply for elderly, adults and children
  • Save patient time, money and effort compare to classical acupuncture

Implant acupuncture can treat:

  • Digestive: Gastritis, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Irritable bowel syndrome, Hemorrhoids
  • Eye-Ear-Throat: Rhinitis, Sinusitis, Sore throat
  • Musculoskeletal: Arthritis, Joints pain, Back pain, Muscle cramping and weakness, Neck pain, Sciatica
  • Emotional: Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia, Nervousness, Neurosis
  • Gynecological: Menstrual pain, Polycystic Ovary syndrome, Endometrium, Female and male Infertility, Impotence
  • Neurological: Headaches, Migraines, Neurogenic bladder dysfunction, Parkinson’s disease, Postoperative pain, Stroke
  • Respiratory: Allergic rhinitis, Sinusitis, Bronchitis Cosmetic purposes: Lose weight, reducing belly fat, reducing face wrinkles.

What are possible side effects of  Implant acupuncture?

Side effects of implant acupuncture are rarely recorded as it is performed by experienced doctors in sterilized condition. However, it is necessary to get to know possible sides effects:  

  • Pain
  • Minor bleeding.
  • Inflammation of the skin.
  • Dizzy

In order to prevent risks of side effects, patient should follow these:

  • Do not drink alcohol or stimulants substance.
  • Insure a clean body before conducting treatment.
  • Stay relaxed during the treatment.
  • After the procedure, patients have to rest for 10 minutes.
  • Shower is permited on the next day. Bath and other sport or physical activities is recommended at least 3 days after the treatment.


Exhausted, high fever, contagious diseases, acute diseases, serious allergy, injury.

BOOK AN APPOINTMENT: Dr. Nguyen Hong, Tel: +36 70 943 1878, Email: hongnbcc@gmail.com

Budapest- Vietkimhong Clinic, 1051 Budapest, Arany János str.33, 1.floor.2, doorbell 127. Opening hours: Monday, Friday, 10:00- 17:00

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